Midterm review panel members

The CFREF program extends its gratitude to the following review panel members who provided their time and expertise in support of the midterm review exercise for the Competition 1 and Competition 2 CFREF grants:

Melanie Austen
Professor of Ocean and Society
School of Biological and Marine Sciences
University of Plymouth
United Kingdom

Chandrajit Bajaj
Computational Applied Mathematics Chair in Visualization
Professor of Computer Science
and Director of Center for Computational Visualization
Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences
University of Texas at Austin
United States

Tina Barsby OBE
Director and Chief Executive Officer
National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) and
Fellow, St. Edmund’s College
University of Cambridge
United Kingdom

Mary Blanchard
Associate Director
Wisconsin Energy Institute
University of Wisconsin-Madison
United States

Alexandra Branzan Albu
Associate Professor and Graduate Advisor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Victoria

Marie-Françoise Chesselet
Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Neurology and Neurobiology and
Emeritus Charles H. Markham Professor of Neurology
David Geffen School of Medicine
University of California, Los Angeles
United States

Guoxiang Chi
Department of Geology
University of Regina

Ghislain Chouinard
Advisory Committee of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Keith R. Davis
Vice-President of Plant Research
United States

Antonella De Santo
Professor of Physics, Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award Holder (Physics and Astronomy)
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
University of Sussex
United Kingdom

Yvan Devaux
Head, Cardiovascular Research Unit
Luxembourg Institute of Health

Scott Doney
Joe D. and Helen J. Kington Professor in Environmental Change
Department of Environmental Sciences
University of Virginia
United States

Christine Dufès
Associate Professor and
Director of the Postgraduate School
Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences
United Kingdom

Bernard Engel
Associate Dean and Director of Agricultural Research and
Graduate Education and
Professor, Agricultural and Biological Engineering and Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Purdue University
United States

Michael Flatté
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Iowa
United States

Monique Frize
Distinguished Research Professor, Professor Emeritus
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
Carleton University

Francis Halzen
Hilldale and Gregory Breit Professor and Principal Investigator of IceCube Department of Physics
University of Wisconsin-Madison
United States

Mark Hillery
Department of Physics, The Graduate Center
Hunter College
City University of New York
United States

Murray Hitzman
Science Foundation Ireland Research Professor and
Director, Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences (iCRAG)
University College Dublin

Alan Jenkins
Deputy Director and Director of Science
UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
United Kingdom

Kevin Keough
Kevin Keough Consulting Inc. and
Professor Emeritus
Department of Biochemistry
Memorial University of Newfoundland

Michael Langer
Associate Professor
School of Computer Science and Centre for Intelligent Machines
McGill University

Catherine Le Visage
Research Director, Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (Inserm) and
Deputy Director, Regenerative Medicine and Skeleton (RMeS)
University of Nantes

Nelson Maculan
Professor Emeritus
Department of Systems Engineering and Computer Science
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Stan Matwin
Professor and Director
Institute for Big Data Analytics and
Canada Research Chair in Visual Text Analytics
Faculty of Computer Science
University of Dalhousie

Diego Mantovani
Professor and Director
Lab for Biomaterials and Bioengineering and
Canada Research Chair in Biomaterials and Bioengineering for Innovation in Surgery
Department of Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
Université Laval

Éric Moulines
Professor and Member of l'Académie des Sciences
Centre de mathématiques appliquées
École Polytechnique

Priscilla Nelson
Professor, Department of
Mining Engineering
Colorado School of Mines
United States

Ozden Ochoa
Professor Emerita and TEES Research Professor
J. Mike Walker ’66 Department of Mechanical Engineering
Texas A&M University
United States

Stephanie Pincetl
Chair, Environmental Science and Engineering and Founding Director and Professor
California Center for Sustainable Communities at UCLA
UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability
University of California, Los Angeles
United States

Kristin Poduska
Professor and
Department Head
Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography
Memorial University of Newfoundland

Jeffrey Runge
Professor of Oceanography
School of Marine Sciences
University of Maine
United States

Chad Staddon
Professor of Resource Economics and Policy
Department of Geography and Environmental Management
University of the West of England
United Kingdom

Richard Stedman
Professor and Department Chair
Department of Natural Resources and the Environment
Cornell University
United States

Wendy Taylor
Department of Physics and Astronomy
York University

Matthew Tirrell
Robert A. Millikan Distinguished Service Professor and Dean
Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering
The University of Chicago
United States

Ivan Toni
Professor, Cognitive Psychology and Principal Investigator
Donders Centre for Cognition and the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
Radboud University

Chandan Vaidya
Professor and Chair
Department of Psychology
Georgetown University
United States

Marianne Walck
Deputy Laboratory Director for Science and Technology and
Chief Research Officer
Idaho National Laboratory
United States

Robert Wilson
Department of Physics
Colorado State University
United States

Karin Wittenberg
Senior Scholar, Sustainable Cattle Production Systems
Department of Animal Science
University of Manitoba

Inga Zerr
Professor, Neurodegenerative Diseases and
Head of the Clinical Dementia Center
Department of Neurology
Georg-August-Universität of Göttingen

Jesse Zhu
Distinguished Professor and
Canada Research Chair in Particle Technology and its Applications in the Chemical/Biochemical, Materials, and Pharmaceutical Industry
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Western University

Wenlu Zhu
Professor of Geology
Department of Geology
University of Maryland
United States

Pierre Zweigenbaum
Senior Researcher
Computing Laboratory for Mechanics and Engineering Sciences
Université Paris-Saclay

Note: The above information is current as of the time of posting.