University of Waterloo

Transformative Quantum Technologies

Transformative Quantum Technologies, at the University of Waterloo, will tackle three grand challenges in quantum device development:

  • demonstrate a quantum computer that is beyond the ability for a classical processor to simulate;
  • develop quantum sensors with applications in navigation, materials, biochemistry, medicine and other fields; and
  • deploy useful, long-distance quantum communication / key distribution.

Realizing these challenges will open the way to transformational technological advancements. A prototype, 100-qubit quantum computer is beyond the capabilities of classical computers to simulate, but will allow exploration at the frontiers of materials science and physics. The precision, selectivity and sensitivity of practical quantum sensors will break new ground in personalized medicine, geological exploration, materials characterization, and areas yet to be imagined. Long-distance quantum communication / key distribution will meet an urgent societal need for ultrasecure communications channels.

Investments made in Transformative Quantum Technologies will: increase the University of Waterloo’s quantum faculty complement to 39, triple scientific and professional staff, grow the world-class dedicated laboratories required to build and test quantum devices, establish multidisciplinary collaborations, and take advantage of key industry partnerships.

Over the next seven years, Transformative Quantum Technologies will integrate research in theoretical physics, computer science, experimental physics and device-engineering, to explore fundamental questions in quantum device design and control.

The University of Waterloo will deploy a working, prototype, 100-qubit quantum computer; and quantum sensors and communication. The quantum devices developed will find applications in medicine, materials characterization, navigation and sensing.

Through Transformative Quantum Technologies, a pipeline of discoveries will be ripe for commercial opportunities through the University of Waterloo’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, including through Quantum Valley Investments and the Quantum Valley ideas lab.

The scientific discoveries and commercial advances from the Transformative Quantum Technologies initiative will firmly position Canada as the “Quantum Valley.”